I did too! No, I'm not a naturally organized person - I am an organized THINKER! But my disorganized ACTIONS led me to investigate tips and ideas to help me live in a more organized way.
Along the way, I have found lots of other people are interested in getting organized. I have been asked to share some of my ideas and resources. So here we are - let's Get Organized! Despite be a chronically disorganized housekeeper, I relish systems and methods that help me organize! Basically, I am a control freak perfectionist, trapped inside a Messie's body!
I have developed and tweaked existing methods to suit our family. I offer them to you to use in your own quest. They may not suit you - they will not have always suited us! Hopefully, they will help you develop your own path to a more tranquil home environment. Or at least be able to find things!