Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What's for dinner?

Groan. Our biggest challenge atm is dinner. With five adults (well, the youngest is 16) with different schedules and dietary requirements, plus differing tastes as well, sometimes it is just too hard to get food on a plate at a decent hour.

We share the cooking amongst us all, but sometimes everybody is too tired/unmotivated to cook!

Our current menu planning strategy is to assign meals to days and people to meals and hope it all comes together. My older two - 19 & 23 - both work in retail with shifts ranging from early til late. DH can be home as early as 5pm, as late at after midnight and sometimes can't get home at all - his work is with medical imaging equipment and installations and repairs obviously have tight timeframes. I work three days and get home after 5.30pm and health challenges mean that evenings are low energy times for me. So you can see how it gets complicated!

We work as a team, but some days we have to forfeit the game because there aren't enough players!!!!!

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